Friday, April 30, 2010

Week 6 - RSS: Really Simple Syndication

Were you able to successfully set up your RSS feed? If not, where did you run into problems? If you were successful, does this make information-gathering more convenient for you?

I was able to successfully set up my RSS feed however I found it a little confusing getting everything started. For me I don't think this would be something that I would use since most of the websites I visit don't have an RSS feed link that I can click on. In addition since I only visit a maximum of 5 websites a day, there would be no point for me to use this tool.

Week 5 Post - Google Universe

What do you like about the Google product? What do you dislike? Would you recommend the product to friends and colleagues?

Being an avid Google user for years now, I find Google product extremely helpful and easy so use! Since I am terrible with directions, I find Google Maps very useful when I venture off into some unknown area around the city of Calgary. And at times when I'm really bored, I like to explore Google Earth for fun.

I would definitely recommend Google product to friends and colleagues. I think it offers great links that may be helpful for anybody of any age -from quick links to Gmail, Blogger and my personal favourite: Youtube! It has links that can be of use for junior high and high school students such as Google Scholar.

I think that the products offered by Google should be taken advantage of by users because sometimes we tend to overlook the use of the internet. There are so many resources out there that may be helpful to each one of us, however it's just a matter of taking some time to explore and discover.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week 4 Post - Facebook

For you, is Facebook useful or a time-waster?

Personally I would say that for a majority of the time, Facebook is a big time-waster! When the Facebook craze first broke out 3-4 years ago, I was hesitant to create an account and thought that eventually the hype would phase... but who would of thought that I'd soon jump on the bandwagon!

At first Facebook was extremely addicting and very detrimental for my grades. I was always on it when I was suppose to be studying. It was a way for me to procrastinate. Nowadays Facebook is useful for creating events such as birthday dinners, parties and outings. I find it extremely useful that you're able to keep track of who can attend or who needs to RSVP to your event. It's also fairly organized in a manner that it's easy to access (whether it's on your home computer, at the library or one you phone!)

As much as I think Facebook is a time waster, it is still one of my "must" check out websites everyday.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week 3 Post - Wikipedia!

How easy or difficult was it to find articles that needed editing? Were the errors you found factual or grammar / spelling?

I found that for the most part, it was difficult to find articles that needed editing. The ones that I did find that needed editing were mostly due to grammatical and spelling errors. I think that Wikipedia is a great place to familiarize yourself with a certain topic or subject that you're interested it but it should not be cited as a primary source. Since Wikipedia can be created and edited by anyone, like you and me, what is written on the page may not be reliable.

(Oh and I also did a search for "Forest Lawn Library" in the search bar and nothing came up for it!)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week 2 Post - Delicious

What are the advantages of storing, sharing, and tagging web content this way? What are the disadvantages?

Delicious, at first, was a very scary site for me to use. I felt as though I didn't know how to navigate through the site and be able to use it quickly and effectively when helping a customer -therefore I rarely used it unless I needed too.

This quickly changed once I had a chance to really look and play around with Delicious and explore all the links that were available for me to use.

Some advantages of using Delicious are:
  • able to save websites for future use
  • quick and fast retrieval of websites
  • able to view popular or recent pages
  • alphabetical and easy to read "tag bundles"
  • it's FREE! (who doesn't love free stuff?)

Some disadvantages of using Delicious are:

  • no visuals to please the eye, doesn't seem to draw your attention into using the website
  • takes time to get used to how the site works

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Week 1 Post

What do you hope to learn from CPL 2.0?

Through this internet journey, I hope to be able to expand my knowledge about all the social networking sites out there along with some other neat internet sites/tools that I'm unaware of. I think this will be a great experience for me as I am always open to learning more about what is available for me to use over the internet -especially if it will make my life easier! :)